Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Elie Park with Auntie Roma

This week my sister Roma came to visit/help out for a few days and on tuesday we went along to Elie when Tim and Dave (grandpa) were mowing the church there. The park was perfect for Zelda! Here are a few pictures.

Zelda on the big kids swing. She did really well for a bit but when she was finished I asked her if she was done and she decided to sign instead of say it and fell :( she cried a bit but wasn't hurt at all.

Zelda and Tony

Zelda sharing sand with Roma

Slides!! There were two slides off the play structure and both of them were good for Zelda. Even the bigger one with curves was good since it was deep and it didn't go so fast that she would bump her head. Right now slides are one of her favorite things.

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