This Sunday we decided to head to the beach at Birds Hill Park with some family. It was a great day to spend outside by the water. I didn't get any good pictures of Zelda playing the water or the sand because I didn't want to have to worry about the camera. She did really well in the shallow water (up to her diaper) but wasn't very comfortable any deeper. Tim did convince her to stop clinging to him and stand in water in front of him that was up to her armpits. She also had a great time just playing in the sand with her toys.
Zelda and Tony
Zelda in her play hut.
Me at almost 40 weeks.
Tim has started to read Zelda bedtime stories (about the last month and half) and she has started to read the stories to herself during the day. She knows what books say what things on each page. It's really fun to watch but I havn't been able to catch it on video. She is also having fun learning songs like Ring around the Rosy, I'm a little teapot, five little monkeys ect. Her vocabulary is growing fast and her words are getting more and more articulate.
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