Thursday, August 25, 2011


This morning was one for messes.
First she dumped the oatmeal...

Then she ate some...

And just to make life messier I brought out some tempera paints. We had fun and Zorro slept long enough for me to clean it all up :)

A note on potty training:
Zelda has been doing really well in panties but still has at least one accident a day. I have found that she does much better when we are out, which is backwards from what I was expecting. One Tuesday she told me she had to go twice in Value Village and once in Safeway and went each time! I do need to bring her seat with everywhere because she won't sit on a toilet without it yet. One thing that I have found helps is that if by they end of the day she is fighting going on the toilet I let her have a break and put her in a diaper for the last bit of the day and start fresh the next morning. Some days she is excited to go and so proud of herself and other days she fights it so hard. Hopefully we will have more good days than bad as time goes on. This morning she pooped on the toilet all on her own (as in I didn't see her starting in her panties and run her to the toilet)

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