Zelda playing in the willow tree.
New with Zelda:
-Third eyetooth has cut through (I think it's though to really feel it well when you get bit trying)
-We have started potty training. She is in panties at home and is doing pretty good. She pees in the toilet more than on the floor. Although I am still the one deciding when she needs to sit on the toilet she hasn't gotten to the point of telling me when she needs to go pee.
-She has discovered her shadow. It's fun watching her learn new things like that.
-She has started to combine words more regularly. Things like: "Coming Grandma?" and "Zorro Crying"
-Other people are able to understand more and more of her words. Sounds such as L, R and hard c and k are still pretty hard.
-She is now back to sleeping in her bed instead of her chair. Tim read her bed time story in bed with her instead of the chair and that seemed to do the trick.
Zelda and Zorro in the wagon for some pictures. I didn't take them for a ride like this :p
Zorro in the wagon.
Zorro has been:
-making people smile.
And for the last three nights has been very good to me. However last week he thought that he should keep me/us awake till about 2am. I'm glad that that is over for a little bit at least.
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