Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Wow it has been a long time since I have posted anything on here! The last little while Tim and the kids have been kinda sick and we've been inside at home (in a basement suite) a lot, so I haven't been taking very many photos and the ones that I have taken are not that great due to lighting and messy hair :p Here are a few:
Zorro watching me set up the tree.
 Zelda decorating a Christmas gift for Grandma.

Zorro is his Jolly jumper. He loves this thing!
Also, Zelda is learning the words to many songs and can kinda sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little start, Happy Birthday, Itsy Bitsy spider, Jesus Loves Me, Rock-a-by-Baby, and a few other ones that I can't think of right now :p


  1. Ooohh, he looks a bit like your cousin, Kelly W. in this shot - LOL Very cute!

  2. Love the shot of you and Zorro watching you decorate the tree!
